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负压风机机壳: ferguson police shot during protest新 mac


Report on Ferguson police report - key findings

Ferguson unrest

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Brown's killing was one of several recent cases around the US in which the deaths of black men at the hands of the police have triggered protests.

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In a press conference on Thursday, Mr Belmar said the shots were fired from about 125yds (114m) away, but he did not specify from which direction.

He also said he would "have to imagine" that some protesters "were among the shooters". Detectives were still investigating who was responsible, and no-one had been arrested.

But at about midnight at least three shots were fired as the crowd of protesters was starting to break up, Mr Belmar said.

How Ferguson unrest spread

Paramedics carry on a stretcher one of the two injured police officers in Ferguson US police said the injuries of the two police officers were not life threatening
Protesters outside the Ferguson police department, 12 March 2012 Demonstrators gathered outside the Ferguson police department late on Wednesday

Two US police officers have been shot in Ferguson, a Missouri town hit by riots over the killing of an unarmed black teenager last year.

Eyewitness Keith Rose: "I saw one officer covered in blood - I saw officers running to the aid of that officer"


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Several witnesses said the shots had come from a hill on the other side of the street from the crowd of protesters.

Mr Jackson was widely criticised after the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in August and the weeks of demonstrations that followed.

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Both suffered "very serious gunshot injuries" but were conscious, he said.

However, Brown's shooting and the riots that followed spurred a federal investigation. It found overwhelming racial bias in the town's policing practices, though Darren Wilson was cleared of civil rights violations.

In the hours after the policemen were shot, use of the hashtag #BlueLivesMatter spiked on Twitter, driven by self-identified supporters of gun rights and other conservative causes, as well as supporters of the police.

来源:人民网 更新时间:2016-03-12 13:55:59 分类:科技 关键词:轻薄笔记本,按键面积,独立显卡,CoreM,WQXGA,ZenBook,MicroHDMI,Retina,USB-C


Ferguson - key moments

Protesters had gathered outside Ferguson police headquarters late on Wednesday, in what was a relatively low-key demonstration.

In November, a St Louis County grand jury found that white police officer Darren Wilson did not break any laws when he shot Brown.

Ferguson police shot during protest



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"We were very close to having what happened in New York last year," Mr Belmar said, referring to two police officers shot and killed while on duty. He said he thought it was a "miracle" that such an incident had not occurred during earlier protests in Ferguson.

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新 MacBook领衔一大批超轻薄笔记本来袭--IT--人民网


They were shot during a demonstration after the resignation of Ferguson's police chief, which followed a report alleging racial bias in his department.

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The St Louis County police chief said after hearing the gunshots many officers had drawn their weapons but no-one had fired.

Police take cover after two officers were shot in Ferguson, Missouri, 12 March 2016 Police took cover after shots were fired shortly after midnight
Police examine helmet lying on ground after two officers were shot in Ferguson, Missouri, 12 March 2016 St Louis County's police chief said it appeared officers had been deliberately targeted

One officer was shot in the face and one in the shoulder, St Louis County police chief Jon Belmar said.



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来源:Bbc 更新时间:2016-03-13 12:14:53 分类:News

Demonstrators were calling for further action to be taken over the federal report, and for more resignations in the police department, Mr Rose said.


Police chief Thomas Jackson was the sixth Ferguson official to be fired or step down. He had initially resisted calls from protesters and some state leaders to resign.

Ferguson police shot during protest