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猪场通风降温:terry pratchett on twitter 'the end' - cnn.com_负压风机生产厂家|通风降温排热除尘设备|工厂房车间养殖畜牧通风降温工程设计|通风设备厂家|降温设备厂家|水帘厂家|环保空调厂家|AG8旗舰厅通风降温系统|厂房降温_车间降温_猪场降温_厂房通风_车间通风_猪场通风_排风散热_屋顶通风降温




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猪场通风降温:terry pratchett on twitter 'the end' - cnn.com

  ? 13英寸MacBook Air的成绩则是629.9MB/S(平均写入速度)和1285.4MB/s(平均读取速度)。

  ? 11英寸MacBook Air的表现为315MB/s(平均读取速度为668MB/s);

— Caitlin Moran (@caitlinmoran) March 12, 2016

@greg_jenner I'm so sad, it's like a great uncle has passed away.

Within moments of the announcement, his fans were quick to share his most memorable quotes and inspirational extracts from his wealth of more than 70 books.

— AlzheimersResearchUK (@ARUKnews) March 12, 2016

"It's not worth doing something unless someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing it." RIP the brilliant Terry Pratchett.

  从iFixit早前对13英寸MacBook Air的拆解可知,该机SSD使用了三星的闪存与主控方案。而对11英寸MacBook Air的拆解表明,该机采用的是速度并不那么快的SanDisk闪存加Marvell主控的方案。

— Bloody Good Book (@BloodyGoodBook) March 6, 2016

Thanks for all the wonderful, wonderful adventures. #TerryPratchett pic.twitter.com/F2J4mXlSj1

  具体说来就是,在Black Magic的Disk Speed Test中:

RIP terry pratchett, I owe my love of books to you, growing up, your Discworld was my favorite place to be.

Sad to hear of Sir Terry Pratchett's death, his books fired the imagination of millions and he fearlessly campaigned for dementia awareness.

— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) March 12, 2016

We can all learn something from this guy and what he did for Alzheimer's awareness RIP #terrypratchett @alzheimerssoc pic.twitter.com/1YyGXkAZrq

The loss of Sir Terry Pratchett will have a profound effect on both literature and the 850,000 people with dementia.

— Rachel Haygarth (@RachelHaygarth) March 12, 2016