He explained that the 15-year contract stipulates that Russia could explore the cobalt-rich ferromanganese crust in the allotted parcel, which may yield an estimated 30-35 million tons of ore.
新浪家电讯 3月12日下午消息,奥克斯空调在上海宣布与中国南北极考察队续约四年,奥克斯空调成为“雪龙号”科考船上唯一空调产品,同时宣布将推出“雪龙”系列智能空调。
来源:Sputnik 更新时间:2016-03-12 09:36:24 分类:News 关键词:area,crust,contract,resources,ore,right,Denis,Khramov
"The area granted to Russia includes 150 blocks, which have an area of 20 square kilometers each and which are located at a depth of about 5,000 kilometers in international waters," Khramov said.
Russia Inks Major Ore Exploration Deal with International Seabed Authority
According to him, Russia will explore the area in the next 15 years so that it can finally select a total of 50 of the most promising blocks; it will develop them until they are exhausted.
The contract was signed between Russia and the International Seabed Authority in New York earlier this week, according to Russian Deputy National Resources and Ecology Minister Denis Khramov.
来源:新浪网 更新时间:2016-03-12 08:43:36 分类:科技 关键词:奥克斯,雪龙空调,2016中国家电博览会