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来源:腾讯网 更新时间:2016-03-12 11:41:48 分类:科技 关键词:X又来了!这回是3999元红色皮革,摩托罗拉;motox


US Airstrikes Have Killed More than 100 Civilians, Syrian Rights Group Says / Sputnik International


The Network has offered to give information to investigators without giving the names of the deceased civilians out of concern for their families, many of whom still live in Al Bab under IS control. 

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来源:Sputnik 更新时间:2016-03-13 03:37:25 分类:News 关键词:airstrikes,ISIL,Syria

The report also noted the targeting of oil wells and refineries, which CENTCOM argues is fundamental in its effort to “degrade and ultimately defeat” IS, leads to the severe economic crisis, fuel shortages and higher prices for Syrian civilians.

CENTCOM did not confirm the December 28 strike on Al Bab until two weeks later, and did so only after being questioned by McClatchy. 

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The Syrian Network for Human Rights detailed in their report that since the airstrikes began on September 23, the civilian death toll has reached 103 people, including 11 women and 11 children. 


“There is no choice for the people there to get the resources to live, and we are highly concerned that this policy will lead to more casualties if the coalition forces continue,” it said.

“If there is new, substantive information provided to us regarding Al Bab, we welcome it and will certainly review,” CENTCOM spokesman Colonel Patrick S. Ryder said.

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“Regrettably the alliance forces’ Central Command denies that civilians have been killed by alliance forces,” Ghani wrote. 


“There should be serious pursuit and investigation to hold the responsible accountable” and to compensate families of victims, so as to distinguish the US-led alliance from “the lines of totalitarian dictatorships.”

In this Monday, Nov. 17, 2014 file photo, smoke rises from the Syrian city of Kobani, following an airstrike by the U.S.-led coalition, seen from a hilltop outside Suruc, on the Turkey-Syria border.

US Airstrikes Have Killed More than 100 Civilians, Syrian Rights Group Says

? AP Photo/ Vadim Ghirda
(updated 04:03 13.03.2016)
A Syrian human rights group says the US-led coalition against the so-called Islamic State in Syria must be held accountable for the deaths of over 100 civilians in their bombings of potential IS targets since September. They’re demanding that US Central Command perform a “serious investigation” and stop issuing denials.

Most of those were killed in the bombing of a building used as an IS prison in the northern Syrian town of Al Bab, in which 51 civilians were killed, the report states. A further 29 perished in a bombing campaign targeting small locally run oil refineries, reports McClatchyDC, citing the report.

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Despite the claims, which were substantiated in the report by witness statements, alongside video footage, statements from families, and the names of the victims, the Network’s director Fadel Abdul Ghani wrote in the report’s introduction, CENTCOM refuses to acknowledge the deaths. 

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限量版Moto X又来了!这回是3999元红色皮革


腾讯数码讯(马炯慧)在国行版Moto X正式发布后,摩托罗拉还特别针对国内市场推出了几个限量定制版本。日前,摩托罗拉官方微博再次发布消息称,又一款限量版Moto X将于明天在京东商城、天猫商城以及苏宁易购开启预约。发售价格为3999元人民币(64GB ROM),支持移动/联通/电信4G网络,成功预约的订单将于7个工作日内发货。

After the publication reported on the Al Bab bombing, including that 51 civilians were killed, CENTCOM reviewed the allegations and determined them to be “not credible.” 


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