Lumia 830在去年九月德国柏林消费电子展上发布,采用了金属边框设计,配备5英寸720p屏幕。其背后的摄像头区域一下就让人回想起Lumia 1020,而金属边框则延续了Lumia 930的设计风格。具有黑、白、绿、橙等多种颜色外壳。
Lumia 830搭载1.2GHz高通骁龙400处理器,配备1GB运行内存和16GB存储空间,并且支持MicroSD卡扩展。该机内置2200毫安时可拆卸电池,支持无线充电。
诺基亚Lumia 830(参数 报价 论坛 软件)
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来源:Sputnik 更新时间:2016-03-13 03:35:49 分类:News 关键词:USAID,United,States
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The US Agency for International Development (USAID) should financially support Central American organizations that fight for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights, six US Representatives said in a letter to USAID Acting Administrator Alfonso Lenhardt.
The USAID 2016 CARSI funding is estimated at $55 million, according to the letter.
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其背部有一个与Lumia 1020相似的圆形镜头组件,摄像头是1000万蔡司镜头,采用了PureView纯景技术,支持光学防抖。
CARSI’s main goal is to support communities affected by crime, the letter said. Given the levels of violence against LGBT communities in the region, organizations supporting LGBT human rights should receive CARSI funding.