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多少平方水帘:thousands of students protesting against school

The need for resuscitation resulted in brain damage, leading to cerebral palsy and damage to the nerves which control shoulder, arm and hand movements.

Mrs Montgomery's lawyer, Fred Tyler, from Balfour and Manson, said: "This is almost certainly the most significant medical negligence judgement in 30 years - a momentous decision which will affect the doctor-patient relationship throughout the UK.

Those judgments have now been overturned by a panel of seven judges at the Supreme Court in London.

Nadine Montgomery, 40, claimed medics neglected to give her proper advice which may have led to her son Sam having a safer caesarean birth in 1999.

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The reform, known as 'the Good School,' was initiated by the government of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in autumn 2014. In particular, it is aimed at introducing private sector funding of schools, maintaining the system of increase in wages for teachers based on job seniority and bringing in unpaid apprenticeships for students studying technical subjects.

Niall Dickson, chief executive of the General Medical Council, described the judgment as "very helpful".

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The student demonstrations in Italy took place ahead of the school reform bill being discussed in parliament later in the day.

— Newzulu (@newzuluwire) March 6, 2016
End Quote Dr Iain Wallace NHS Lanarkshire

It is recognised that diabetic mothers can give birth to larger than average babies, putting them at risk of complications from traditional births, including shoulder dystocia, where the baby gets stuck.

— Demotix (@Demotix) March 12, 2016

NHS Lanarkshire's medical director, Dr Iain Wallace, said that practices had "changed significantly" since Mrs Montgomery's son was born.

In their ruling, the judges said: "The only conclusion that we can reasonably reach is that, had she (the consultant) advised Mrs Montgomery of the risk of shoulder dystocia and discussed with her dispassionately the potential consequences, and the alternative of an elective caesarean section, Mrs Montgomery would probably have elected to be delivered of her baby by caesarean section.

In Mrs Montgomery's case, Sam's shoulder became stuck after the delivery of his head.

Mrs Montgomery expressed concerns during pregnancy about her ability to deliver the baby safely.

Nadine Montgomery wins ?5m from NHS Lanarkshire over brain damage to son

Sam and Nadine Montgomery Nadine Montgomery has won a 16-year legal fight for damages for her son Sam

Mrs Montgomery gave birth to her son in Bellshill Maternity Hospital on 1 October 1999.

As a result of complications during delivery, Sam was born with severe disabilities.

The Inner House also rejected her appeal against this decision.

A Lanarkshire woman whose baby suffered brain damage during birth has won a 16-year fight for ?5.25m compensation.

"The decision will allow me to ensure Sam receives the best possible care for the rest of his life."

"They must work in partnership with their patients, listening to their views and giving them the information they want and need to make decisions."

End Quote Fred Tyler Mrs Montgomery's lawyer
Thousands of Students Protesting Against School Reforms in Italy / Sputnik International


"We are disappointed in the Supreme Court's decision which has applied retrospectively to the law relating to informed consent and to this case.

This is almost certainly the most significant medical negligence judgment in 30 years”

Her damages claim had been rejected on two previous occasions at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

The protesters marched in four of Italy's largest cities holding banners reading '12 March, a generation that will not surrender' and 'Stop Good School, a step backwards,' according to local media.

Previous rejections

Nadine Montgomery wins ?5m from NHS Lanarkshire over brain damage to son


Her obstetrician was aware of the risks of shoulder dystocia, but made a decision not to discuss this with Mrs Montgomery - or to discuss caesarean section as an alternative.

Students hold flares

Thousands of Students Protesting Against School Reforms in Italy

(updated 19:58 12.03.2016)
Thousands of students of all over Italy participated in protests against educational reforms, known as 'the Good School.'
Italian Lega Nord (Northern League) protesters
Protesters Call for Resignation of Italian Gov't at Anti-Immigration Rally
ROME (Sputnik) — Thousands of students took to the streets of the Italian cities Rome, Milan, Naples and Turin on Thursday to protest against a set of educational reforms introduced by the country's government, the Teacher Solidarity website reported.

"We are pleased that the court has endorsed the approach advocated in our guidance on consent.," he said.

Students in #Turin rally to protest #Renzi's education reform bill #buonascuola


来源:Bbc 更新时间:2016-03-12 10:29:37 分类:News

Judges at the Supreme Court in London have now upheld her major damages claim against NHS Lanarkshire.

The case hinged on whether the health board went far enough in advising Mrs Montgomery, who is small and a Type 1 diabetic, of all the potential risks of giving birth to her son.

"It is not in dispute that the baby would then have been born unharmed."

It materially changes the law relating to consent and we along with other health boards in the UK will need to consider very carefully any potential implications for future service provision”

"Doctors will have to discuss with their patients the options that exist in their treatment and advise them about the alternatives and any associated risks."

"We have only just received this judgment and will need time to consider it fully. We understand, however, that it materially changes the law relating to consent and we along with other health boards in the UK will need to consider very carefully any potential implications for future service provision."



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